.PAGE SIZE 60,75 .FLAGS OVERSTRIKE .KEEP .NO FILL .figure 5 .c;.UIII. K^&A\&L^&ENDAS\& IAN^&UARII\&. NATIVITAS D^&OMI\&NI .c;N^&OST\&RI I^&ES\&U ^&CHRIST\&I. MEN D%-A LEOFESTAN HWILON $%'R WE S$DON EOW H[U] URE h@lend crist on p%bisum d@ge on sod%-re menniscnysse acen- 3 ned w@s of p%b@m halgan m@dene marian. Nu wylle we swap%beah for d%-yses d@ges m@rd%-e eower mo%'d mid p%b@re gast- lican lare onbryrdan eow to%' blisse p%burh go%'d. Sume gedwo%'l- 6 me%'nn w@ron p%buruh deoful beswicane swa p%b@t hi%' cw@don p%b@%'t This version of the text appears only in W (Cotton Julius E. vii), fols. 5v-9v. The revised version of the sermon found in B (Bodley 343) closely parallels W after line 99, but even from the start there are noticeable similarities both in general content and in phrasing. The text of B is printed opposite for comparison. --------------- 2 HU] HY%' ^&MS\&. ^&The scribe sometimes confuses\& U ^&and\& Y ^&in display script\&; ^&cf\&. ^&fol\&. ^&203\&. .PG .c;-50- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI crist godes sunu n@re @fre mid p%bam halgan f@der wu- niende. a%'c w@re su%'m ti%'ma. @r p%ban p%be he%' acenned w@re. ac 9 p%b@t halige godspe%'ll h@fd%- oferswid%-od swylcera gedwolena andgit foroft. p%ba iudeiscan axodon crist hw@t he w@re. D%-a andwyrde he him p%bus. ^&Ego\& ^&su%'m\& ^&principiu\&m. ^&qui\& et ^&lo\&- 12 ^&quor\& ^&uobis\&. Ic eom angi%'nn. p%be eow to spr@ce. Nu ge habbad%- gehered hu se h@lend be him sylfum spr@%'c. p%b@t he%' is ordfru- ma. and angin ealra p%binga. mid his heofonlican f@der. and 15 11 iudeiscan] ^&the letters\& is ^&over erasure\&, ^&with\& s ^&formed from another letter\&. .PG .c;-52- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI mid p%bam halgan gaste. Se f@der is a%'ngin. and se sunu i%'s angin. and se halga ga%'st i%'s angin. a%'c hi%' ne synd na p%breo anginnu. a%'c hi%' ealle p%bry synden a%'n angin. | and a%'n @lmihtig god 12| @fre u%'n- 18 begunnen. and u%'nge@ndod. ac se man w@%'t p%be wyle habban @nig p%bincg @%'r anginne. for p%ban d%-e seo halige p%brynnes. is an- ginn. and a%'n scyppend ealra gesceafta and nan p%bing n@s ne 21 nys wuniende. p%be se an wyrhta ne gesceope; Gif hwylc 19 w@t] @ ^&alt\&. ^&to\& a. .PG .c;-54- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI gedwola. od%-d%-e awoffod man. wyle furd%-or smeagen and p%b@t anginn ofersti%'gan. mid dysilicere dyrstignesse. p%bonne 24 bid%- he p%bam men geli%'c p%be ar@rp%b sume heage hl@ddre. and stihd%- be p%b@re hl@ddre stapum. od%-p%b@t he to d%-@m @nde be- cume. and wylle p%bonne git sti%'gan ufor. astihd%- p%bonne buton 27 stapum. od%-p%b@t he stedeleas fylp%b mid mycclum wyrsan 23 awoffod] ^&first\& f ^&shows signs of correction\&. .PG .c;-56- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI fylle swa he furd%-or sta%'h. D%-reo p%bing synd on middan- earde. a%'n is hwilwendlic. p%be h@fd%- @gd%-er ge ordfru[m]an 30 ge ende. p%b@t synd nytenu. and ealle sawullease p%bing p%be on- gunnan p%ba p%ba hi%' god gesceop. and @ft ge@ndiad%- and to nahte *gewurd%-ap%b. Od%-er p%bing i%'s e%'ce. swa p%b@t hit h@fd%- ord- fruman. *fol. 6 and n@fd%- nenne ende. p%b@t synd @nglas and manna saula. p%be on- gunnen d%-a p%ba hi%' god gesceop. a%'c hi%' ne geendiad%- n@fre. D%-ridde p%bing i%'s @ce. swa%' p%b@t hit n@fd%- nad%-or ne ordfruman 36 ne ende. p%b@t i%'s se a%'na @lmihtiga god on p%brynnesse. and o%'n annysse. @fre wuniende unasmeagendlic. and unas@cgend- li%'c. Se f@der i%'s angin. of nanum od%-rum. and se sunu i%'s angin. 39 @fre of p%b@m f@der acenned. and se halga gast i%'s angin. @fre of p%bam f@der. and of p%bam sunu. na acenned a%'c ford%-- st@ppende. for d%-an p%be se sunu is p%b@s f@der wi%'sdo%'m. of 42 him. and mid him. and se halga gast i%'s heora begra wylle. and lufu. of him bam. and mid him bam. On d%-isne enne god we%' sceolon geleafan. and hine mid weorcum wurd%-ian. for d%-an. 45 30 ordfruman] ordfru&mman ^&MS\&. 36 @ce] @ ^&alt\&. ^&to\& e. .PG .c;-58- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI p%be ealle p%ba halgan be%'c @gd%-er ge on p%b@re ealdan. @%'. ge on p%b@re ni%'wan. sod%-lice sprecad%- be p%bere halgan d%-ryn- nysse. and sod%-re annysse. P%>@s a%'n scyppend wa%'t ealle 48 p%bing. and gesihd%- ge p%b@t gedo%'n i%'s. ge p%b@t p%be nu%' i%'s. ge p%b@t d%-e toweard i%'s. ne he na%'n p%bing ne forgi%'t. ne him nan p%bing @tfleon ne m@g. Ne o%'ndret he him nanes p%binges. for d%-an p%be 51 he n@fd%- nenne riccran. ne furd%-on nanne him gelic- ne. Symble he bid%- gyfende. and he ne wanad%- swap%b@%'h nan p%bing hi%'s. ne him nanes p%binges nis neodp%bearf. Symble 54 he bid%- @lmihtig go%'d. for d%-an d%-e he | symble wyle go%'d. 14| and n@fre na%'n yfel. a%'c he hatad%- p%ba%' yfelwyrcendan. and p%ba%' unrihtwisan. D%-a%' gesceafta p%be p%b@s a%'n scyppend 57 gesce%'op synden m@nigfealde. and mislices hiwes. and u%'n- geli%'ce farad%-. Sume sindon ungesewenlice gastas. butan lichoman swa%' swa%' synd @nglas on heofonum. 60 Sume syndan creopende on eord%-an. mid eallum licho- man. swa%' swa%' wurmas dod%-. Sume gad%- on twam fotum. sume on feower fotum. Sume fleod%- mid fyd%-erum. sume 63 on flodum swimmad%-. and hi%' ealle swap%b@h alotene beod%- 53 ^&after\& ^&the\& ^&second\& ne] ^&an erasure of one or two letters\&. .PG .c;-60- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI *to p%b@re eord%-anweard. and p%bider wilniad%-. od%-d%-e p%b@s p%be him lyst. *fol. 6v od%-d%-e p%b@s p%be hi%' bep%burfon. a%'c se ma%'n ana g@d%- u%'prihte. 66 p%b@t getacnad%-. p%b@t he%' sceall ma%' p%b@ncan u%'pp. p%bonne nyd%-er. p%be l@%'s p%be p%b@t mo%'d sy neod%-er. p%bonne se lichoma. and he sceal smea- `gen' embe p%b@t @ce li%'f. p%be he%' to gesceapen w@s. swid%-or p%bonne embe 69 p%ba eord%-lican p%bing. swa%' swa%' hi%'s w@stm him gebicnad%-. Ealle p%ba%'s gesceafta habbad%- anginn. and sume eac en- de swa%' swa%' we @%'r cw@%'don. a%'c se sod%-a scyppend. n@fd%- 72 na%'n angin. for d%-an p%be he i%'s him sylf angin. na gescea- pen. ne geworht. Se geworhte ealle p%bing. and wunad%-. a%'. o%'n @%'cnysse. Hine ne mihte na%'n p%bing gewyrcean. 75 for d%-on p%be na%'n p%bing n@s @r he%'. and gif he%' geworht w@re ne wurde he%' n@fre @lmihtig god. $ft gif hwylc ge- wytleas man. wend%- p%b@t he hine sylfne geworhte. p%bonne 78 axie we%' hu%' he%' mihte hine sylfne gewyrcean gif he%' @%'r ne%'s. He w@%'s @fre u%'ngeworht. and @fre wunad%- un- ge@ndod. His we magon wundrian. and we%' ne magon. 81 ne ne motan. na%' furd%-or embe p%bis smeagen. gif we 68-69 smeagen] smea- ^&partially in right margin\&, -gen ^&in left margin\&. 81 ge@ndod] @ ^&alt\&. ^&to\& e. .PG .c;-62- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI [^&See lines 98 and 104\&-^&13 of this text for passages parallel to B\&.] .PG .c;-64- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI nellad%- us sylfe forp@ran. Seo sunne p%be onliht ealne mideard i%'s godes gesceaft. and we magon un- 84 derstandan p%b@t hyre leoht i%'s of hyre. na%' heo of p%bam leohte. and seo h@tu g@d%- of p%b@re sunnan. and of hire leoh- te geli%'ce. Swa%' eac p%b@s @lmihtigan godes sunu i%'s 87 @fre of p%b@m f@der acenned. sod%- leoht. and sod%- wisdom. and se halga gast i%'s @fre of him bam. na acenned. a%'c ford%-steppende. and se%' sunu a%'na. underf@ng men- 90 niscnysse. and on p%bisum dege weard%- to menn geboren. to p%bi%' p%b@t he wolde u%'s to hi%'s ri%'ce gef@ccan. Nis na- num menn on d%-isum deadlican life libbendum nanes 93 p%binges. swa mycel neod. swa him bid%- p%b@t he cunne p%bonne @lmihtigan god mid geleafan. and sip%bp%ban his agene sawle:, We habbad%- eow oft ges@d eowerne geleafan 96 *be p%b@re halgan d%-ryn-|-nysse. Nu wylle we%' 16| eow sum p%bing *fol. 7 be eowre sawle s@ccgan. sceortlice gif we%' magon. Ealle p%ba geleaffullan f@deras p%be godes lare awri- 99 ton. s@don untwylice. and gep%bw@rlehton on p%bam anum. p%b@t god gescypd%- @lces mannes sawle. and seo sawl nis na of godes agenum gecynde. Gif heo w@re of go- 102 des gecynde genumen. witodlice ne mihte heo sin- 99 ^&Here W more closely parallels B\&. .PG .c;-66- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI gian. P%>am men i%'s gecyndelic p%b@t he%' lufige p%b@t p%b@t go%'d is. Hw@t is go%'d butan gode anum se p%be is healic 105 godnisse. butan p%bam ne m@g nan man nan p%bing godes habban. D%-as godnysse we sceolan simble lufian p%be u%'s @lc go%'d ofcymp%b. ac p%bissere godnysse 108 lufu ne m@g beon butan on p%b@re sawle. and seo a%'n sawul i%'s @d%-elboren p%be d%-onne lufad%- p%be heo fram com. p%be hi%' p%byllice gesce%'op p%b@t heo on hire andgyte habban 111 mihte godes a%'nlicnesse. `and gelicnysse. and p%b@s wyrd%-e w@re'. p%b@t hyre go%'d onwunode. Up%bwytan s@cgad%-. p%b@t p%b@re sawle gecynd i%'s d%-ryfeald. An d@%'l is on hire 114 gewylnigendlic. od%-er yrsigendlic. p%brydde gescead- wislic. Tw@gen p%bissera d@la habbad%- deor and nytenu mid u%'s. p%b@t i%'s gewylnunge and yrre. Se man ana h@fd%- 117 gesce%'ad. and r@%'d. and andgit. Gewylnung is p%bam menn forgifen to gewilnienne p%ba d%-ing p%be him fremiad%- to nitwyrd%-um p%bingum and to p%b@re ecan h@le. P%>onne gif 120 seo gewylnung miswent. p%bonne acend%- he gyfernysse. 104-13 P%>am ... onwunode] ^&cf\&. ^&B\&, ^&lines\& ^&163\&-^&70\&. 112-13 ^&first\& and ... w@re] ^&over erasure by reviser one\&. .PG .c;-68- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI and forlygr. and gitsunge. Yrre i%'s d%-@re sawle forgi- fen. to d%-y p%b@t heo yrsige ongean leahtres. and ne beo 123 na synnum underp%beodd. for p%ban d%-e crist cw@d%-. @lc p%b@ra p%be synna wyrcd%-. i%'s p%b@ra synna d%-eow. Gif p%b@t yrre bid%- on yfel awend. p%bonne cymd%- of p%bam unrot- 126 nisse. and @mylnysse. Gescead is d%-@re sawle forgi- fen to gewyssiene and to%' styrenne hire agen li%'f. *and ealle hire d@da. Of p%bam gesceade gif hit misw@nt. cymd%- *fol. 7v modignysse and ydelgylp. Gescead wexd%- on cildrum na seo sawul. and seo sawul p%bihp%b on m@genum. and ne bid%- na mare p%bonne heo @t fruman w@s ac bid%- betere ne heo `ne' underf@hd%- li- 132 chomlice mycelnysse. Seo sawul h@fd%- swa swa we @%'r cw@don o%'n hire gecynde. p%b@re halgan p%brynnysse anlicnysse. on p%ban p%be heo h@fd%- gemynd. and andgit. 135 and wyllan. An sawul is. and a%'n lif. and a%'n edwist. p%be p%ba%'s d%-reo p%bing h@fd%- on hire. and p%bas d%-reo p%bing na synd na d%-reo 137 li%'f ac a%'n. ne p%breo @dwiste a%'c a%'n. | Seo sawul. 18| od%-d%-e p%b@t .PG .c;-70- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI lif. od%-d%-e seo @dwist. synd gecw@dene to hyre sylfra. and p%b@t gemynd. od%-d%-e p%b@t andgit. op%bp%be seo wylla. beod%- gecw@- dene to sumum p%binga. edlesendlice. and p%bas d%-reo p%bing 141 habbad%- annysse him betwynan. Ic undergyte. p%b@t ic wylle undergytan and gemunan. and ic wylle p%b@t ic under- gyte and gemune. p%b@%'r p%b@%'r p%b@t gemynd bid%-. p%b@r bid%- p%b@t and- 144 gyt and se wylla. Uton nu behealden p%ba%' wundorlican swyftnysse p%b@re sawle. heo h@fd%- swa%' mycele swyft- nysse p%b@t heo on a%'nre ti%'de gif heo swa%' wyle. besceawad%- 147 heofonan and ofer s@%' flyhd%-. land. and burga geondf@rd%-. and ealle p%bas p%bing mid gep%bohte on hire sihd%-e ges@t. and swa hrad%-e swa heo gehyrd%- p%b@re burge naman. 150 p%be heo @%'r cud%-e. swa%' hrad%-e heo m@g p%ba burh on hire gep%bohte gescyppan hwylc heo bid%-. Eal swa%' be gehwyl- cum od%-rum p%bingum p%be heo @%'r cup%be. od%-d%-e ne cud%-e. 153 heo m@g on hire mode gescyppan. p%bonne heo gehyrd%- be p%bam spr@can. And swa%' styrigende i%'s seo sawul. p%b@t heo 139 @dwist] @ ^&alt\&. ^&to\& e. .PG .c;-72- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI furd%-on o%'n sl@pe ne gestylp%b. ac d%-onne he%' smead%- be ro- 156 me byrig ne m@g heo p%ba%' hwi%'le smeagen be hieru- sale%'m. od%-d%-e p%bonne heo smead%- be anum p%bing. ne m@g heo p%ba hwyle be od%-rum p%binge smeagen. a%'c bid%- gebys- 159 god mid p%bam anum d%-inge od%-p%b@t p%b@t gep%boht gewyte. *and od%-er cume. Witodlice god @lmihtig wa%'t ealle p%bing tog@- *fol. 8 dere. and ealle p%bing h@fd%- on his andwerdnysse. and hi%' @fre 162 beop%b o%'n his gesihp%be. and n@fre him u%'ncup%be. and p%bis i%'s p%b@t gecw@den i%'s p%b@t god i%'s @ghw@%'r eall. for d%-an d%-e ealle p%bing p%be @fre w@ron od%-d%-e nu%' synd. op%bp%be d%-a p%be towearde synd. 165 ealle hi%' synd on godes gesihd%-e. anwearde. na @%'ne. a%'c @fre. Seo sawul sod%-lice i%'s p%b@s lichoman li%'f. and p%b@re sawle li%'f i%'s god. Gif seo sawul forl@t p%bonne lichoman 168 p%bonne sw@lt seo lichoma. and gif god forl@t p%ba sawle for orm@ttum synnum. p%bonne sw@lt heo on p%bam s@lran d@le swa%' p%b@t heo bid%- forloren p%bam @can life. and swa%'p%beah 171 156-58 d%-onne ... od%-d%-e] ^&B omits these lines\& (^&homoeo\&- ^&teleuton\&?). 168 god] go%'d, ^&with\& ^&accent\& ^&partially\& ^&erased\&. 169-70 for ... synnum] ^&B\& ^&omits\& ^&this\& ^&phrase\&. 171 @can] @ ^&alt\&. ^&to\& e. .PG .c;-74- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI n@fre ne ge@ndad%- on p%bam @cum wytum. P%>@s d@d%- hire gelimpd%-. gif heo l@t rixian on hire p%ba%' gewilnunge and p%b@t yrre. swid%-or p%bonne p%b@t gescead p%be hi%' gewysigen sceall 174 to weld@dum. a%'. D%-uruh p%b@t gescead a%'na we synd s@l- ran p%bonne p%ba ungesceadwysan nytenu. Mid twam wurd%-scipum gegl@ngde se @lmihtiga scyppend p%b@s 177 mannes sawle. p%b@t i%'s mid @ccnysse. and eadignysse. Ac heo | forleas p%ba @dignysse p%ba d%-a he%' agylte. and heo 20| ne mihte p%ba @cnysse forleosan. for d%-an p%be heo 180 ne ge@ndad%- n@fre. P%>@re sawle wlyte i%'s. p%b@t heo h@b- be mihte. swa%' p%b@t heo leahtres forbu%'ge. and heo bid%- atelic p%burh leahtras gif he him underlid%-. D%-@re sawle 183 mihta syndon p%bas feower fyrmestan. and s@lestan. ^&pru\&- ^&dentia\&. p%b@t i%'s snoternysse. p%burh p%ba heo sceal hyre scip- 172 ge@ndad%-] @ ^&alt\&. ^&to\& e. @cum] @ ^&alt\&. ^&to\& e. P%>@s] @ ^&alt\&. ^&to\& e. 178 @ccnysse] @ ^&alt\&. ^&to\& e. 179 @dignysse] @ ^&alt\&. ^&to\& e, ^&followed by\& `a' ^&added above line to read\& e`a'dignysse. 180 @cnysse] @ ^&alt\&. ^&to\& e. 181 ge@ndad%-] @ ^&alt\&. ^&to\& e. ^&Before\& wlyte] ^&erasure\& ^&of one or two\& ^&letters\&, ^&but\& ^¬hing\& ^&seems\& ^&missing\&. .PG .c;-76- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI pend understandan. and hine lufian. and tosceaden god 186 fram yfele. Od%-er m@gen i%'s. ^&Iustitia\&. p%b@t i%'s rihtwisnys. p%burh `p%ba' heo sceal god wurd%-igan. and rihtlice libban. P%>@t d%-rydde m@gen i%'s. ^&temperantia\&. p%b@t is gemetegung. mid 189 p%b@re sceall seo sawul ealle p%bing gem@tegian. p%b@t hit to swip%be ne sy. ne to hwonlice. for d%-an p%be hit i%'s awry- ten. ^&Omnia\& ^&nimia\& ^&nocent\&. p%b@t i%'s ealle oferdone 192 *p%bing d@riad%-. Witodlice gemetegung i%'s eallra m@ge- *fol. 8v na modor. p%b@t feord%-e m@gen i%'s. ^&Fortitudo\&. p%b@t i%'s str@n`g'd%-. od%-d%-e a%'nrednyss. p%burh p%ba%' sceal seo sawul forb@- 195 ran earfod%-nysse mid a%'nr@dum mode. for godes lufan. and n@fre p%bam deofle ne abu%'gan to forwyrde. D%-as feower m@genu habbad%- @nne kynehelm. p%b@t i%'s 198 seo sod%-e lufu. godes. and manna. for d%-an p%be seo sawul i%'s ges@lig. d%-e p%bonne scyppend lufad%- p%be hi%' gesce%'op. and hire gef@ran. and [wyle] him fremian swa heo fyrmest 201 m@ge. Seo sawul i%'s gesceadwis gast. @fre cucu and m@g underfo%'n ge godne wyllan. and yfelne. @fter agenum cyre. Se we%'lwillende scyppend l@t hi%' hab- 204 ben agenes cyres geweald. P%>a%' weard%- heo be agenum 188 `p%ba' ^&in left margin marked for insertion by two dots\&; ^&reviser two\&. 193 eallra] eallaa ^&corrected\& ^&by\& ^&writing\& r ^&over\& a. 201 wyle] ^&sic\& ^&B\&; ^&om\&. &W. .PG .c;-78- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI wyllan gew@mmed p%burh p%b@s deofles lare. Heo w@rd%- @ft alysad p%buruh godes gife. gif heo gode 207 gehyrsumad%-. Heo i%'s unges@wenlic. and u%'nlichom- lic. butan h@fe and butan bleo. mid p%bam licha- man befangen. and on eallum limum wunigende. Ne 210 heo ne m@g be hyre agenre mihte of p%bam lichoman gewytan. ne @ft ongean cyrran. butan se wylle p%be hi geworhte. and o%'n p%bonne lichaman as@nde. Heo i%'s on 213 bocum manegum naman gecyged. be hyre weorces p%be- nungum. Hyre nama is ^&anima\& p%b@t is sawul and seo nama gelympd%- to hire life. And ^&sp\&iritu^&s\& gast. belimpd%- 216 to hire ymbwla%'tunge. Heo i%'s ^&sensus\&. p%b@t i%'s andgit. od%-d%-e felnyss. p%bonne heo gefret. Heo i%'s ^&animus\&. p%b@t i%'s mo%'d. p%bonne heo wa%'t. Heo i%'s ^&mens\&. p%b@t i%'s mo%'d 219 p%bonne heo understent. Heo i%'s ^&memoria\&. p%b@t i%'s ge- mynd. p%bonne heo gemand%-. Heo i%'s ^&ratio\&. p%b@t i%'s ge- 221 scea%'d. p%bonne heo | to%'sc@t. Heo i%'s ^&uoluntas\&. p%b@t i%'s 22| wylla. p%bonne heo hw@%'t wyle. Ac swap%beah ealle p%bas naman syndon sawul. @lc sawul i%'s ga%'st. a%'c *swa%'p%beah nis na @lc gast sawul. Se apostol paulus *fol. 9 212-13 ne ... as@nde] ^&B\& ^&omits\& ^&these\& ^&words\&. 224-25 @lc ... sawul] ^&B\& ^&omits\& ^&these\& ^&words\&. .PG .c;-80- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI to%'tw@mde p%b@s gastes naman. and p%b@s modes p%bus cw@- d%-ende. ^&Psalla\&m ^&sp\&irit^&u\& ^&psalla\&m et ^&mente\&. P%>@t is o%'n @n- glisc. I%'c singe mid gaste. and i%'c singe mid (mode.) Se 228 singd%- mid gaste. se d%-e clypad%- p%ba word mid mud%-e. and ne underst@nt p%b@s andgites getacnunge. and se singd%- mid mode se d%-e p%b@s andgites getacnunge underst@nt. 231 Seo sawul is p%b@s lichoman hl@fdige. and heo gewissad%- p%ba fi%'f andgitu p%b@s lichaman. swa%' swa%' o%'f cyne- s@tle. p%ba%' andgitu sint gehatene p%bus. ^&Uisus\&. 234 p%b@t i%'s gesihd%-. ^&auditus\&. hlyst. ^&Gustus\&. sw@c on p%bam mud%-e. ^&Odoratus\&. st@%'nc. on p%b@ra nosa. ^&tactus\&. hrepung. od%-d%-e grapung. on eallum limum. a%'c p%beah ge- 237 wunelicost on p%bam handum. D%-as fi%'f andgitu gewis- s@d%- seo sawul to hire wyllan. and hyre gedafnad%- p%b@t heo swa%' swa%' hl@fdige. geornlice foresceawige hw@t heo 240 gehwylcum lime bebeode to donne. od%-d%-e hw@t heo ge- 226 naman] na- ^&corrected\& ^&from original\& ma-. 228 mode] ^&over erasure\&. 230 ^&after\& se] ^&erasure of one letter\&, ^&but nothing seems missing\&. singd%-] sind%-g (!) ^&marked for correction\&. 235 sw@c] spr@c, ^&with\& p ^&altered to\& w ^&and\& r ^&marked for deletion\&. 241-42 bebeode ... lime] ^&B\& ^&omits\& ^&these\& ^&words\& (^&homoeoteleuton\&?). .PG .c;-82- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI hwylcum lime gep%bafige on gewylnunge his gecyndes. p%b@t p%b@%'r nan p%bing unp%b@slice ne gelympe on nanes 243 limes p%benunge. Swa%' swa%' god @lmihtig oferstihd%- ealle gesceafta. swa%' oferstihd%- seo sawul ealle lichamlice gesceafta mid wurd%-fulnysse hyre ge- 246 cyndes. and na%'n lichamlic gesceaft ne m@g beon hyre wid%-meten. We cw@%'den @r p%b@t heo w@re butan bleo. for p%ban d%-e heo nis na `licham'lic. On lichaman bid%- bleoh. 249 and seo sawul bid%- swa%' gewlitegod. swa heo on worulde geearnode. Be p%bam cw@p%b crist on his godspelle. ^&Tunc\& ^&iusti\& ^&fulgebunt\& ^&sicut\& ^&sol\& ^&in\& ^®no\& ^&patris\& 252 ^&eoru\&m. P%>@t y%'s on @nglisc. p%bonne scinad%- p%ba rihtwisan swa%' swa%' sunne on heora f@der rice. Witodlice p%ba a%'r- leasan beod%- heora yfelum weorcum geli%'ce. Nis seo 255 orp%bung p%be we%' ut blawad%-. and in ateod%- op%bp%be ure sawul *a%'c i%'s seo lyft p%be ealle lichamlice p%bing on lybbad%-. butan *fol. 9v fixum anum p%be on flodum lybbad%-. Oft bid%- seo sawul o%'n anum 258 p%binge. od%-d%-e on anum gep%bohte. swa%' bysig p%b@t heo ne gymd%- hwa%' 257-58 butan ... lybbad%-] ^&B omits these words\& (^&homoeo\&- ^&teleuton\&?). .PG .c;-84- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI hyre gehende bid%-. p%beah d%-e heo o%'n locie. ne p%beah heo sume stemne gehyre. heo hit ne understent. ne p%beah hi%' hwa%' hrep- 261 pe heo hit ne gefret. Hwilon heo besargad%- hyre licho- man sarnissa. hwilon heo gladad%- on godum gelimpum. hwi- 263 lon heo | p%b@ncd%- p%ba d%-ing p%be heo @%'r cud%-e. hwilon heo wyle 24| wytan p%ba d%-ing p%be heo @%'r ne cud%-e. Sume p%bing heo wyle. sume d%-ing heo nele. and ealle lichamlicra p%binga hiw heo m@g on hyre sylfre gehiwian. and swa%' gehiwode on hyre 267 mode gehealden. D%-@re sawle wlyte i%'s p%b@t heo wisdom lufie. na%' d%-one eord%~lican wisdom be p%bam p%be p%bu%'s awriten i%'s. ^&Sapientia\& ^&hui\&us ^&mundi\&. ^&stultitia\& ^&est\& ^&apu\&d ^&d\&eu^&m\&. P%>ysses 270 middaneardes wysdom. i%'s stuntnis. @tforan gode. A%'c p%bonne wisdom heo sceal leornian. p%b@t heo lufie god. and hine @fre wurd%-ige on eallum hyre weorcum. and p%ba p%bing leorni- 273 (ge p%be) gode liciad%-. and p%ba p%bing forl@te p%be him lad%-e syndon. 265 p%bing] ^&the letters\& in ^&over an erasure\&. 267 ^&first\& hyre] ^&shows signs of correction\&, ^&with the letters\& h ^&and\& r ^&written\& ^&over\& ^&erasure\&. 272 god] go%'d, ^&with accent partially erased\&. 273 ^&after\& @fre] ^&possibly one letter erased\&. 273-74 leornige p%be] ^&the letters\& -ge ^&and\& p%b- ^&over erasure\&, ^&and the\& e ^&of\& p%be ^&shows signs of correction\&. .PG .c;-86- .c;NATIVITAS DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI P%>@s wisdom i%'s awryten on halgum bocum. and be d%-am i%'s p%bus gecw@den. ^&Omnis\& ^&sapientia\& ^&a\& ^&d\&omi^&no\& ^&d\&e^&o\& ^&est\&. $lc wisdom 276 i%'s of gode. I%'s nu%' ford%-y @lc man eadig and ges@lig. se d%-e for gode wis bid%-. and gif heo his weorc mid wisdome ge- fadad%-. Be p%b@m cw@d%- se @diga i%'ob. P%>@s mannes wis- 279 dom i%'s arf@stnys. and sod%- ingehyd. p%b@t heo yfel forbu%'ge. Witodlice p%b@t i%'s sop%b wysdo%'m. p%b@t man gewylnige p%b@t sod%-e lif. on p%bam p%be he @fre lybban m@g mid gode on wuldre 282 gif he%' hit on p%byssere worulde geearnad%-. To p%ba%'m us gel@de seo leofa drihten crist. se d%-e i%'s sod%- wys- dom. and sawla li%'f. se d%-e mid his @can f@der. and mid 285 p%bam halgan gaste. a%' on @cnysse leofad%-. AMEN. 280 forbuge] ^&the\& ^&letters\& bu ^&written\& ^&over\& ^&erasure\&. 285 @can] @ ^&alt\&. ^&to\& e. 286 @cnysse] @ ^&alt\&. ^&to\& e. $ & ^&letters\& bu ^&written\& ^&over\& ^&erasure\&. 285 @c