The Aelfric Scriptorium Banner
Professor Theodore Leinbaugh, Editor-in-Chief
Digital Editions of Old English Texts

1) A Digital Edition of Aelfric's Boulogne Sermon Edited by Ted Leinbaugh (2015)

2) Towards A Diplomatic Digital Edition of Aelfric's Lives of Saints I Edited by Ted Leinbaugh (2016)

3) Towards A Diplomatic Digital Edition of Aelfric's Lives of Saints I — Part Two: A Diplomatic Transcription Edited by Ted Leinbaugh (2018)

4) Digitized Edition of Alcuin's De Ratione Animae Ad Eulaliam Virginem version 1.0. Edited by Ted Leinbaugh (2020)

Illustration to the Old English Illustrated Hexateuch showing the construction of the Tower of Babel, circa 1025 and circa 1050.